A Highly Sensitive A-Kinase Activity Reporter for Imaging Neuromodulatory Events in Awake Mice

Neuron. 2018 Aug 22; 99(4):665-679.e5. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2018.07.020.

Lei Ma, Bart C Jongbloets, Wei-Hong Xiong, Joshua B Melander, Maozhen Qin, Tess J Lameyer, Madeleine F Harrison, Boris V Zemelman, Tianyi Mao*, Haining Zhong*.
*Co-senior authorship

Neuromodulation imposes powerful control over brain function, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is a central downstream mediator of multiple neuromodulators. Although genetically-encoded PKA sensors have been developed, single-cell imaging of PKA activity in living mice has not been established. Here, we used two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (2pFLIM) to visualize genetically-encoded PKA sensors in response to the neuromodulators norepinephrine and dopamine. We screened available PKA sensors for 2pFLIM and further developed a variant (named tAKARα) with increased sensitivity and a broadened dynamic range. This sensor allowed detection of PKA activation by norepinephrine at physiologically-relevant concentrations and kinetics and by optogenetically released dopamine. In vivo longitudinal 2pFLIM imaging of tAKARα tracked bidirectional PKA activities in individual neurons in awake mice, and revealed neuromodulatory PKA events that were associated with wakefulness, pharmacological manipulation, and locomotion. This new sensor combined with 2pFLIM will enable interrogation of neuromodulation-induced PKA signaling in awake animals.


Visualizing Protein Kinase A activity in head-fixed behaving mice using in vivo two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy


Ultrafast neuronal imaging of dopamine dynamics with designed genetically encoded sensors